Super Team MR! GO!!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Never before has our intrepid Hero been faced with such dire circumstances as he embarks upon his most punishing and grueling semester ever. This semester, Monologue will be pushed to his limits as he races against time to complete 4 projects simultaneously in order to save the life of a close friend - “GPA” who is being held hostage by the Super Villain Organization known only as SMU. With his army of “Professors”, the leader of the organization, “The Hunter”, has but one sadistic agenda, to put our Hero through a series of impossible tasks called “projects”. Caught in his psychotic game, Monologue performs these seemingly meaningless projects, in fear that the Hunter will once again put GPA through horrible torture if he does not. In a final mockery of our Hero, SMU records the extent of GPA’s torture and sends the vile torture log to Monologue in something they called... ‘My Results.’
Faced with hopeless odds, Monologue must band together with the most formidable of allies to form a Super Hero Team the likes of which the world has never seen. The MR Four!!!
Secret Identity: Vincent
Origin: One day, mild mannered Vincent purchases a seemingly normal pair of red spectacles. Little did he know that the spectacles contained the ruby of Xchatlehhal, and upon donning the frame, the ruby unlocked the latent powers hidden inside him. Most visibly, he gained Super Sexiness and he became irresistible to all women. He also obtained the touch of flare which while unable to deal bodily harm to his foes, could be used to fluff up presentations that could be used to cripple them in a stunning psychic attack of hopelessness and helplessness. Lastly, he gained the ability to sustain a monologue indefinitely and thus was the name he chose to call himself.
Powers: Super Sexy, Touch of Flare, Monologue
Professor A++++Secret Identity: Andy
Origin: As a baby, Andy fell into a huge bowl of alphabet soup and nearly drowned to death. However, unbeknownst to the hapless child, the soup was produced in China and thus contained many chemicals that were not normally found in soups such as industrial waste, radioactive particles etc. As Andy struggled to keep afloat, he swallowed large amounts of the soup and along with it, the hodgepodge of chemicals which caused Andy’s brain to mutate. By the time Andy was saved, he found that he had gained intelligence far superior to that of regular geniuses. He also gained psychic abilities that allowed him to sense what exactly the Professors liked to see in Projects. When he looked back into the soup that he had just been saved from, he realized that he had not only swallowed most of the soup but had also eaten all but two letters of the alphabet. These letters were “A” and “X”. Though amazingly intelligent, his powers were still undeveloped and thus he thought the X’s floating in the water were +’s which was why he called himself Professor A++++. Though he has since realized his mistake, he still retains his name because Professor AXXXX doesn’t make sense.
Powers: Super Intelligence, Psychic Mind Reading
Secret Identity: Joshua
Origin: As Joshua walked down the street one day, a radioactive steel bar fell from the sky and landed on his head. The steel bar smashed Joshua’s head in and he was brought to a hospital in critical condition. That night, Joshua was abducted by the Government who wanted to see if the radioactive steel bars would alter him in any way. By the time he was transported to the secret Government laboratories, they realized that he had begun to develop steel arms. In brilliant move to save his life, the scientists removed Joshua’s brain, cut it into two halves and replaced his two biceps with the brains instead. Soon after the operation was successfully completed, Joshua’s arms completed its transformation and became steel arms. Housed inside his steel arms where his biceps used to be, Joshua’s brain was now forever safe. Upon awaking, Joshua also realized that he had gained super strength and could bench press the planet and thus he named himself - BenchPress. (Though the truth of the matter was that he was only doing pushups and he just thought that he was moving the planet every time he straightened his arms.)
Powers: Super Strength, Indestructible Arms
SchMiling Angel
Secret Identity: Sarah
Origin: Sarah was walking down the street one day when suddenly the person beside her was hit by a radioactive steel bar that fell from the sky. In her shock she jumped to the side and to her horror she landed on two Peregrine Falcons, the fastest birds on the planet at 250kmph, killing them both instantly. As their poor animal souls left their body, the radioactive steel bar which bounced off the man grazed her feet mutating them into soul chambers and the souls of the Peregrine Falcons were forever trapped inside her feet. Her ankles sprout wings and she became fast – faster than any human being on the planet. Racked with guilt at killing two birds, she vowed to use her new found powers for only good. Her first act of good was to try and save the life of the man who was hit by the steel bar. Alas, she could not drag the man to the hospital because of her small frame, however, she was able to run to the hospital really really quickly and tell them of the accident. From that day forth, she would always rush to rescue people from their dire situations, often in just the nick of time, and along with her ever present smile, the people began calling her the Smiling Angel. However, due to Sarah’s inability to spell properly (possibly as a result of the trapped bird souls), she called herself the SchMiling Angel instead.
Powers: Super Speed, Megawatt Smile
ConclusionThough powerful alone, together they were unstoppable. The fearsome foursome were able to entirely subdue their MR module and GPA was saved from SMU... at least for the semester. In their adventures, the group built an unbreakable bond and they decided to stick together henceforth to deal unstoppable ownage to all the Professors of SMU and to finally rescue GPA from their tyrannical grasp once and for all.
TeaserSchMiling Angel is blackmailed and forced to group up with the Evil Samuel. Evil Samuel who mocked everyone else's presentation during presentation week. SchMiling Angel thus pleads with everyone to accept Evil Samuel into their group. Will the enemy-turned-groupmate tear the group apart from the inside? Is Samuel hatching a plot to kill GPA? Will the Sexciting MR Four still be Sexciting now that there are Five??! Stay tuned!!
This is pretty much a tribute post to my MR group. Andy, Joshua and Sarah, you guys rocked and I love that we're working together again next semester. I've never worked with such a capable group in my life. Not trying to discount all my other group members that I've worked with but this group was just totally owning. <3>
Things on my mind:
Rest and Relaxation
Carefree Lifestyle
Career Best
Queen of Queens Winner ELLE!!!
Sprouting Nonsense Since 1984 {10:25 pm}