Singapore Number 1 Killer per Capita!
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
{Zee Zee-Ness} says:
did u noe that singapore has the highest number of executions per capita in the world?
{Zee Zee-Ness} says:
{Zee Zee-Ness} says:
as in death penalties
Its hard to drive from the backseat says:
oh relaly?
Its hard to drive from the backseat says:
{Zee Zee-Ness} says:
{Zee Zee-Ness} says:
another record for singapore huh
{Zee Zee-Ness} says:
13.57 executions per one million
Its hard to drive from the backseat says:
who's second in place?
{Zee Zee-Ness} says:
2nd is like 4.65 la
{Zee Zee-Ness} says:
gawd, singapore is cruel
{Zee Zee-Ness} says:
saudi arabia
{Zee Zee-Ness} says:
but then again,
{Zee Zee-Ness} says:
the only reason y china isnt top 3 is probably cos of the high population
{Zee Zee-Ness} says:
i think the gross number of executions there is like super high la
{Zee Zee-Ness} says:
it's 2.01 per million, and they have like 1 billion?
{Zee Zee-Ness} says:
Its hard to drive from the backseat says:
Its hard to drive from the backseat says:
absolutely inane information
Sprouting Nonsense Since 1984 {2:08 pm}
Senior Citizens of Singapore to be Bestowed the Ability to Manipulate the Flow of Time
Friday, October 13, 2006
LTA is currently working on implementing a card that when carried on a senior citizen, will allow for the traffic lights to detect the presence of this card and actually extend the length of time in which the green man blinks by 2-6 seconds. This will give the Senior Citizens more time to cross the road. It's like they can now go into bullet time. Whoa`
Now if you've ever walked in the underpass of Bedok MRT station, you would realise one thing. There is absolutely no reception there at all. None. Zip. Nada.
Does any of you even begin to comprehend the gravity of the situation!?
The underpass doubles up as a bomb shelter. And so I was walking through the underpass and it struck me. F**king Hell! If Bedok was being bombed and I wanted to call my girlfriend and say my last goodbyes.. it's not going to happen! There's no reception where I'm hiding. I can see it now, 300 people hiding underneath the bomb shelter/underpass trying desperately to call their love ones to say their goodbyes. But alas they were defeated by the fact that Singaporean Service Providers were unable to provide them network coverage! Oh the shame! Only the cruelest of luck would dictate that despite the 99% island wide network coverage, the 1% would include the bomb shelter of Bedok. These 300 men, women and children would die regretful deaths and their souls would not be able to travel to a better place. They'd haunt the underpass for the rest of eternity forever trying to make their outgoing calls. And on cold nights, people walking through the tunnel would be able to hear the faint ethereal beeps of failed outgoing calls of no reception echo achingly off the walls of the bomb shelter that would forever be their prison.
Sprouting Nonsense Since 1984 {10:30 am}
Shell Fuel Economy Challenge Report! *Long Post*
Sunday, October 08, 2006
And this is what you've all been waiting for! There were meant to be a lot more pictures for this post by the way. But it's too much of a hassle to do it so 4 will have to suffice.
So we started the morning, (by me and mean me and Zi) with us waking up really drowsy and making out way from Zi's house to Raffles Marina. Where is this Raffles Marina? Well it's on the other side of Singapore at Tuas. Its located like 1km or so away from the Tuas Second Link into Malaysia. So it was a pretty long drive and low fuel lights went on pretty much as soon as we started driving. We intentionally kept our fuel level as low as possible because we get a free top up at Shell Jalan Ahmad Ibrahim. Yes, we are very cheap people.

We finally arrived at Raffles Marina which is actually the flag off location for the challenge. There we had a complimentary buffet breakfast. Now the thing I love most about buffet breakfasts are the eggs. I love scrambled eggs and buffet breakfasts always have scrambled eggs. Yum. There I rubbed shoulders with Jean Danker and Hossean Leong. By rubbing shoulders I actually mean I saw them walking in the distance. Well Class 95 was covering the event so Jean and Rod were actually a participating team.
And they're on the way, we started the challenge with the music of "500 miles" by the Proclaimers (you know, the Terry Fox song? And I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 miles.) playing in on the Radio. How apt. And off we went to our first pitstop, the Shell station at Jurong West Ave 5! There we got our first clue to go to the Singapore Discovery Centre. At the SDC we encountered our first Road Block.
Road Block! We were supposed to use paintball guns to hit balloon targets. 8/12 hits qualify us for an easy clue.
Well it turns out that the stupid rifles were not zero-ed. The shots go off target and I mean way off. At 10m, the shots are about 1 feet off the center of where you aim. Nearly impossible to hit the target. Highest score when I arrived was 5. And so I stepped up to the shooting range. The familiarity of the rifle sat well with me: it was a modified Carbine. The one I used as an Armour Infantry. Aligning the sights, I took careful aim and I let loose my first shot. I missed. Looking back at my partner I asked, "Where are my shots veering off to?"

Showing off her innately high perceptive capabilities she replied, "Dunno."
I narrowed my eyes at her useless comment. I took another 2 shots. I missed them both. Again I asked, "Where are my shots veering off to?"
Her wide eyes sparkled with the light of intelligence as she scratched her head and replied, "I really dunno. I wasn't watching."
I missed the 4th shot. At this point of the Jean Danker said, you're hitting somewhere to the left and bottom of the target. Yes Jean was behind me.
With that morsel of information, I adapted quickly. Aiming to the top right of the target I shot. It connected and the balloon exploded as my pellet drove unmercifully into its rubber center. Another. Another. Another. Another. I had 5. I had already missed 4, if I missed another shot it would all be over. Despair fell upon me when my next shot missed. It was over. I had failed the challenge.
Wait. No. There was another way. I aligned two balloons back to back and I fired. My round pierced through the two balloon setting off two almost simultaneous balloon explosion. 6. 7. Calmly I took the last shot and I annihilated the final balloon getting 8 and becoming the first person to qualify in the entire Road Block. When I was there, almost 90 teams had already failed. The girls behind me, Zi and Jean Danker were both awed and terribly excited at my marksmanship.
And so team 134 left SDC on a high and we picked up our easy clue and headed for HaveLock Road Shell. From Havelock we headed to Upper Changi Road Shell and then to Golden Mile and there we encountered our 2nd RoadBlock. Nothing much to talk about here because I didn't do anything fantastic. We were just supposed to translate some Thai words. Yawn* From Golden Mile we traveled to Mandai Shell and we had our lunch of Banana Walnut Bread while on route. There we got our next clue to go to the Zoo.

the ZOO!
Free tickets into the Zoo! Detoured here to go take pictures of the white tigers. Inconsequential roadblock here again. One last stop at Upper Bukit Timah Shell and we finished the race at Jalan Ahmad Ibrahim Shell.
The Results? Well we didn't win. We achieved a fuel efficiency rate of about 20.98 km/litre of fuel. Which is very decent if you ask me. But I think the winners cheated. They had a fuel efficiency rate of about 181 km/litre. The winning team actually claimed to have used only .89 litres of fuel for the entire challenge. Yea.. right. Even the world record holder were only able to achieve a Fuel Efficiency Rate of 22 km/litre when traversing Singapore. But hey, it was a fun day so I'm not complaining.

Shell announced a round two for the challenge a while back due to the number of people who were pissed. Oh well. More Buffets for me!
Probably one of the most fun weekends I've had. Hehe..
Things on my mind:
Marketing Project
The number of hot babes in my classes
Sprouting Nonsense Since 1984 {9:16 pm}
Vin and Zi's Amazing Race!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
So Zi signed up for this Shell Fuel Economy Challenge thing.. She actually signed up for it during her "I can't find a job phase" when she really had nothing better to do. Anyways, as luck would have it, she was actually selected for it and she needs a partner so now we're both going for the inaugural Shell Fuel Economy Challenge!
The Challenge:
Competitors will pit their driving skills against the best in the country in a series of Drifts Races, Sprints and Outruns. Bonus points will be given to the most well decorated car.
The Actual Challenge (this is the one I'm actually going for):
Competitors will drive about 160km around Singapore across 5 Shell Stations and 3 Pitstops and the most fuel efficient car wins the race. Yawn* We'll display big ugly Shell stickers on our car like a SBS bus advertisement for the duration of the challenge.
Talk about product placement. It's a great marketing gimmick if you ask me. Having 150 Shell Billboards for the weekend. Convincing people that the new Fuel Economy Formula is great.
The Prizes are pretty sexy honestly, $1,000 fuel vouchers, 3year AA (the guys who come to your rescue when you total your car) membership and $150 Hamper. Unfortunately there's no way we're going to win. Went for the briefing today and we were pretty much the youngest people there with the exception of the tiny tots. But as far as people who didn't drool and make gaga noises, we were the youngest. The people there all looked like car enthusiasts and that really explains why they were there. I know they are car enthusiasts because they wore fugly clothes. The whole "polo T tucked too tightly into their jeans and thus straining the fabric around the large middle aged belly" look, you get what I'm saying?
So if we can't win? Why are we going?? Questions questions questions.
ANSWER: Complimentary buffet lunch during briefing and complimentary buffet breakfast before the competition! HUZZAH! On top of that we get a free full tank top up of fuel before and after the competiton. HUZZAH again! BUFFET BUFFET BUFFET! FREE FREE FREE! Triple HUZZAH overkill!
I feel like such a cheapskate. But seriously, we thought to make it like a day's outing in car picnic kinda thing. Who knows, might be fun. And there's the free food. WOOHOO!
Update the blog again with the results of the race!
Sprouting Nonsense Since 1984 {1:35 am}