Literally rotting away?
Monday, May 22, 2006
Are you slacking right now? As in not at this point of time, but at this point of your life. Are you literally doing nothing during your summer break? Or perhaps not putting in effort to look for a job ever since you "graduated?" If you are, good job!
I mean what is the deal with you being expected to work during your break? Sheesh. It's almost like a sin that I'm not engaged in some meaningless part-time labour lifting boxes, serving food or keying in data. Fwahh! You know what I was doing all summah? "Sir would you like to upsize you meal?"
My mom popped in the other day when I was at my computer and she asked: "Are you going to stay there this whole holiday?" To which I replied, "No lah, later on I going out for supper." People seem to have this perception that since I didn't go get a job or anything, I'm like a lazy freak. Yar someone actually presumed that "Yea right, like he would go get a job. Please, he's so lazy lah!"
The way I see it, I totally deserve a rest. Yes. 4 months worth of rest. I wanna be RE-e-E-eally rested for the next them. I wanna be like I just woke up from a 10 year slumber by the time I start school. Shit man, I've worked hard. I deserve this. Here now I would like to contest yet another assumption, why is it that people automatically assume that I'm rotting away and that I have nothing to do and "wouldn't you be bored?"
Here's the way I see it, there are a few kinds of term breakers..
The guys who dunno what they wanna do and do nothing:Admittedly, there are quite a few of these people. They truly do just rot off at home and actually fuse to their beds and chairs. Sadly there are quite a large number of people in this category and they unfortunately, give me a bad name.
The guys who dunno what they wanna do and hence work:Ah these are the people who have the audacity to lecture MY people. So they think they're more hardworking because they're doing something "constructive" with their time, ie earning money, ie "Xcuse me, would you like to upsize your meal?" ie the same thing that they'll being doing for the rest of their lives till they die. Work a shitty meaningless job 9-5 in an office. You know you really want to get as MUCH practice of that during your youth while you still can. I mean you're only going to do it for the next half of your life. Better get a head start. Basically these guys just work because truly, without working.. they'd vapourize and demolecularize from boredom.
The guys who know what they wanna do and hence work:Does not compute. Abort, Retry, Fail. _
Anomaly detected.
Subject assigned filename TanYY.Bighead.WORM
The guys who know what they wanna do and are not working:Ah hah! This is where my people lie. The reason we're not vapourizing or demolecularizing is because while your untrained eye may perceive us as doing nothing.. we are actually doing the stuff that we want to do. Stuff like personal development. Learning soft skills. Picking up a new sport. We are unfortunately a minority species and also bear striking physical resemblance to
The guys who do not know what they wanna do and do nothing and are hence persecuted as such. It is a grave injustice that which has been visited upon my people. And there shall come a reckoning and there shall be a such a cry across the land that you will surely let my people go.
Of course there are the people who are
The guys who work because they kinda have to. Well we all feel sorry for you.
This a cry to all the people out there, try to realise that this is the last chance that you are going to get to do absolutely nothing. After studies you are going to work. And chances are it is going to suck. The next time you're going to be able to live life like you do now, is probably when you're too old for the shit you're doing now. So live life. If you've graduated and are looking for a job, it's okay to take it abit slow.
Here is some evidence of my soft skills development

Things on my mind:
Ger in Europe
Pencil Art
Sprouting Nonsense Since 1984 {7:20 pm}
Halt! You shall not pass!
Friday, May 12, 2006
It was late in the night. Probably 2am? We had agreed to meet for supper. A change of scenery for once as we decided to go down to the 24 hour Roti Prata place at Sempang Bedok instead of the Block 511 market. It was too far to walk and so, I wasn't going to.
I turned out onto the main road and sped towards Sempang Bedok; I was running late. Neubis and Moo were probably already going to be there. I turned out onto main road New Upper Changi and went past Tanah Merah MRT. A left turn and I would be there. I hope they haven't waited too long.
I rounded into the road and ahead of me I saw flashing red and blue lights. A Police road block. The night before a public holiday, it hadn't occured to me. I've lost track of all time ever since I started my summer break. I was expecting to ride past the road block, perhaps I have a suspicious looking face, but to my utmost surprised, the police pulled me over! Ridiculous. Absolutely Ridiculous.
Why? You ask me. Well let me show you my vehicle that night.

Clearly our civil servants have too much time on their hands. I pulled over and had the police officers interrogate me. There were 8 of them, of which only 3 spoke.
They actually pulled me over. I was extremely stunned.
Police Officer 1: Where are you going boy?
Me: Erm Supper?
Police Officer 1: Where??? (gruff voice)
Me: Erm... Sempang Bedok? (Duh right?)
Police Officer 2: Go there eat what?
Me: Roti Prata?
Police Officer 3: How come your bicycle no light one????!? HUH?!? You asking for it is it boy?
Me: Rides off.
I'm only glad I had my P-plate and my seatbelt on or who knows what might have happened.
Things on my mind:
Gerger in Europe
Civil Servants who have nothing to do
Sprouting Nonsense Since 1984 {4:58 pm}
Oyce Mum Dad and Grams
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
I believe that no one would be able to guess where I went to on Sunday. The Zoo.

Forcefully ousted from the comfort of my own home to The Mandai Zoo, I am surely the weakest man in the world. Other than Thomas that is. I actually got psyched enough to look forward to the whole thing and was pretty excited about it. The last time I went to the zoo I think was in Primary 5?
Whose idea was it? Surprisingly not Zi, but a little kid from Mayflower Secondary I met in my LTB course in Sem 1. Taggers of my blog will know her as Oyce, Joyce, Jiang Shi, Oyster or the gal that screams “Jie Mei!” She’s a cute little gal and I think most of you would find her adorable. So anyway, she started off the day declaring that I was her Dad, Zi was her Mum and Thomas aka. Wolverine was her Grams (that’s short for Grandpa in case some of you a bit slow).

And so one big happy family we set off for a day of fun in the Zoo! It almost was like a family actually. I neglected Oyce because I was too busy looking at Cats, Mum was very fierce to Oyce and then she very scared to misbehave and the only person who was attending to her was Grams, who had really nothing much better to do and was leaving the world of the living soon anyways.
Fun fun fun! The cats were sooo cool. In case you didn’t know, I love cats even the fearsome and large cousins. I mean just stop to look at their form as the leap prowl and run. Cats are all at the same time powerful and agile yet graceful and regal.

Ooo. And I went to watch Mission Impossible 3 today. As was entirely expected of the movie, it was filled with action and quite a forgettable plot. I don’t even remember much of it anymore. Maggie Q was fiery on screen and Tom Cruise was well, Tom Cruise. But get this. The MI:3 I watched was most likely largely different from any MI:3 that any of you would have watched. Ah yes.. I watched the fucked up version of MI:3.
Allow me to elaborate. So anyway, there was this one scene where Ethan Hawke was making a getaway and at that point of time, the enemies pulled out guns and started shooting at them! And then at this time!!! The power tripped and the movie froze. Oh my GOD! Talk about a climatic finish to the escape scene! Lights came on and a on-screen apology was flashed and shortly after, the movie came on again and I had to re-watch the 5mins before the screen froze.
Then came the scene where they were escaping with hawt loot from the Vatican City. Just as the car pulled over and the good ol` switcheroo was about to be made, (Hang on for plot spoilers) OMGZ! The power tripped again! Flex for Cathay Cineleisure. This time they decided to get out and come back another day. The cinema was screwed and there was nothing we could do about it. KK THNX BYE!
No la kidding. What they did was to pop us over to the next theatre that was also showing MI:3 and we got to watch the past 30mins before the second power trip all over again. Somehow watching the same tense and exciting scene twice in 30mins made it much less exciting. Plus for a short period of time I knew exactly what each fella was going to say so it might have been a bit less fun. On the plus side, I was granted 30mins of clairvoyance by Cathay, beat that. Anyway, re-watching the scenes allowed to be observe in greater detail all aspects of the movie, well simply because I already knew what was going to happen. In one of the scene, the car in the background actually has a long paint scratch above the door handle! (I shit you not.)
Actually truth be told, the manager handled the whole thing quite well all things considering. So Cathay didn't actually do that bad. They basically gave us each a complimentary ticket valid for the next month.
Sigh* Zi is going overseas soon. I feel so lonely. Plus I have a fever right now. Sucks to be me.
Things on my mind:
Maggie Q
Maggie Q’s legs
Maggie Q’s back
Maggie Q’s boobies
Sprouting Nonsense Since 1984 {12:26 am}