Okay!!! Hardo Gay!
Thursday, April 27, 2006
If you were wondering about my previous post, it's just an essay I had to write for creative thinking class. Just kinda felt like putting it up.
Anyways, I'm hooked on "Hard Gay" right now. If you're wondering what I'm talking about just do a search on youtube and you'll get what I mean. HooOOOooOO! Here's a direct link in case you're too lazy. Word of warning though, it would seem that it's more popular with guys than girls. Girls generally seem to find it disturbing. Queer creatures they are, these girls..
Not suitable for young. This means you Joyce.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aiHJgvlTu4&search=hard%20gaySay say say say! HooOOooOO
I find myself with almost nothing to blog about these days. Been rotting away and doing nothing. Zi's exams end tomorrow though, so hopefully I'll have someone to rot with me soon. Reading issue 32 of Naruto (Yes, I do not download it. Down with piracy!) and I saw a teen Hinata. She was quite cute actually! Inspired me to do some fan-art and to further experiment with photoshop.
For this one, I think I found a much better way to do the lineart so it should look more clean this time. I decided to let Hinata's hair grow out abit and I designed the costume myself, I don't know, just to give her a different feel. Hope it's still recognizably Hinata.

If you want the full picture just let me know. =P
Things on my mind:
Hard Gay
Hip Radar
Sprouting Nonsense Since 1984 {12:22 am}
I Spy with my Little...
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
The phrase from the age old nursery game rings a truth more profound that anyone could have ever imagined for when I see, I engage in espionage. With my eyes, I take in unto myself an unconstrained influx of images and with it I invade the sanctum of others without touching and without permission.
The rights of a person, as bestowed upon us by the society and the Law, extend exclusively unto himself. I can, if I so choose to, conduct myself as I see fit and do unto myself anything that I pleased. This with the exception of suicide for with that action I infringe another human right and that being the right to life. However, if I touch without permission, be it violently or intimately, another person then I infringe on their rights for I have denied them their right to self-determination.
Technically, however, when I look upon a naked person, be it by or against her volition, I do not in fact infringe on any of her rights for surely this person holds no ownership over the light that reflect off of her. Sight at the end of the day is merely absorption of light into our eyes and the physical being is no more diminished when I keep for myself, a mental image of it.
Perhaps that then explains why we cover ourselves up, for if I cannot stop another from processing a mental image of me then I must hide what I sights I wish to deny others. It is when I make a deliberate attempt to see what is concealed by another individual against her volition, am I then in violation of the Law. This however, delves into the concept of privacy which I am disinclined to address.
At this point of time, call the name of the person closest you and if you do not know his name then grunt loudly to get his attention. Look unblinkingly into his eyes and hold eye contact. It is of the greatest likelihood that this person will avert his gaze and break off eye contact. One can reconcile this with the invasive nature of sight. In the same way one covers his naked self up to fortify himself against the onslaught of the visual invasion of another, he breaks eye contact because he desperately wishes to evade the piercing gaze that seeks to take from him that which is more important than the physical self.
It is said that, “The eyes are the mirror of the soul.” Unlike the physical self that one can armour against the assault of sight, the soul is bare and one can only run from the encroachment into his spiritual territory. When prolonged eye contact is made, it is almost as if the person is looking into you, inside of you and all that you have done and all your deepest darkest secrets are being drawn out from you against your will; it is the deepest level of an invasion of privacy.
It is no wonder that many cultures find sustained eye contact to be offensive. The Native Americans regard it as invasive for they believe that if you look someone directly in their eyes, you could steal their soul. The Japanese find it to be a sign of aggression. Yet American cultures as well as those of European descent feel that eye contact is a sign of respect and to not do so, is to imply that one is of a higher social caste. But even if you were to now stare unblinkingly into the eyes of a European, he would likely avert his gaze in discomfort.
In general, prolonged eye contact can only mean one of two things: love or aggression. This explains why two people, often lovers, can stare into each other’s eyes for extended periods of time. They have laid their soul bare for their partners and have nothing to hide. Pope John Paul XXIII could have no better portrayed this when he said, “I have looked into your eyes with my eyes. I have put my heart near your heart.”
It is perhaps then, the reason why the art of Japanese animation appeals to so many people. The characters possess huge cutesy eyes that seem to suggest that even if you were to peer into eyes and into their soul you will find no devils and only innocence. Conversely villains in animation are often portrayed to be of small and shifty eyes. Their eyes are inaccessible and suggest that they have much to hide and will avoid direct eye contact.
The invasive nature is similarly reflected in the some iconologies involving the eye. The Eye of Providence reminds that no deed is unseen by the eye. The concept of the All Seeing Eye is also only possible if the invasion of privacy is so complete and whole that nothing can be hidden. It is of course no coincidence that the eye is used instead of any other icon for only the eye can take in everything unrestrained despite the futile attempts of concealment. Similarly the Eye of Sauron as depicted in the Lord of the Rings was able to glean information forcefully from Merry the Hobbit regarding the location of the One Ring against his will by mere eye contact; another instance where the eye is depicted for its ability to entirely trespass into the territorial lands of privacy.
In the end, there is more to sight than a photographic capturing of images. There is a visual molestation of flesh that one can only seek to shield himself with his clothes and there is an intercourse of souls when two are in love and in other times, an attempt to invade into the core of a person for there can be only one defence: to shut your eyes. Look with caution and wield the weapon of sight carefully for your eyes live in the world of spies.
Sprouting Nonsense Since 1984 {8:00 am}
Primitive Lavatory
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Holidays have started and guess what I miss about school the most. Friends? Just a little. But above all I miss the toilet. Yes! I love the school toilet, even more than I love the people in school, and you know why? 3 words my friends. The same 3 words that revolutionized homosapien culture: Automated Flushing System.
Truly the automated flushing system marked the pinnacle of human civilization for it proved that mankind has now truly become SO lazy, that we cannot even flush our waste down into the sewage. I for one cannot condone this disgrace of humanity and as such, for the next three months, in silent protest, I shall go back to the primitive way of using the toilet. No, I will not shit in the bushes. I will flush my toilet with a pail of water. Now if you have never seen yourself in the mirror as you flush your toilet with a pail of water, then you will never see the human body locked in a moment of pure action and exquisite beauty. You have no idea what technology has taken away from you with the advent of the automated flushing system. You could be ten times as strong for lifting the pail of water once a day for the past 15 years. You could have learn humility when you see at the end of the day, shit is what you produce and that you are no different from any mammal that produces shit. Today marks a special day. Today marks the day when a member of human civilization, in all its Nuclear Weapon and Automated Flushing System glory, decides to take one step back from technology, and leap a bound foward in terms of spiritual enlightenment.
Actually I'm just sore because my toilet is broken. Boohoo... Can you believe that what I miss the most about school these days is the fact that I take discharge my waste in a sitting, not squatting, position and actually leave the place after wiping my arse without having to look at my own shit? No. Not friends. The toilet. I miss the toilets more. Boohoo..
Been playing with photoshop trying to do something I can be proud of. Here's what I came with:

Now I know that there are alot of flaws with it. I think I used too many tones for the hair, the lineart is all out of whack but hey its a first try so give me some credit. If you don't like it.. too bad! Whahahah this my blog and I can do whatever I want with it. However if you do have some constructive criticisms do let me know. I'm quite receptive. Do not give me overly general statements though, that only serves to irritate me. More of "If you did XXX it would look better" rather than "I think it looks like a man." First one useful. Second one, absolutely redundant and can be kept to yourself.
Whee. Im so tired.. My body clock is a bitch. I slept at 5 and I woke up at 9. My body refuses to let me sleep if the sun is up. Lolx.
Things on my mind:
Sitting Toilets
Sprouting Nonsense Since 1984 {12:34 pm}
Year 1 Term 2, Over
Saturday, April 15, 2006
And so marks the end of Year 05-06 Term 2. This has been quite a special sem for me mainly because in all my classes combined, there were like a total of 6 girls, 9 if you include the TAs. Imagine the terrible disappointment. But then again, being in an all boys class isn't as bad as it sounds. I think classes were alot more rowdy and fun as a result. Met some nice people this sem and I think I'll enjoy working more with them in the future. Hopefully I can keep my study group for next sem, you guys made studying that much more enjoyable: Daryl, Ernest, Joseph x2, Terence, Joshua and last but definitely not the least Anal Retensive Wenjie.
How did the exams go? Surprisingly I think I'm going to do okay for the two subjects that I thought were going to kill me: Business Law and Managerial Accounting. On the other hand Analytical Skills, the one that I was most confident in turned out to be the one I'm going to crash. Creative Thinking and BGS are non exam subjects. Argh... Speaking of BGS. I'm really pissed about it. Ask me in real life about it. I have much to say.
I think it is now time to announce my new crush. Miss Jade Seah! Placing second in the Miss Singapore Universe 2006~ Jade Seah is a graduating SMU student whom I have not had the pleasure of meeting. It is a pity she didn't win though, she obviously deserved to win more than Carol. She was smarter, more eloquent, definitely more charismatic and so much more beautiful. Probably less shameless too. Did you read what Carol said to the news the next day? "I've got the brains, the breasts and the beauty. Gag* Jade (I'm intentionally leaving out the surname so it sounds as if I actually know her personally) has poise, style, stunning beauty and most importantly X-factor. I like how when she takes the stage, you can't help but notice her and be engaged in her every move and her eyes! It really is something different from your usual big bambi eyes that most beauty queens have but her eyes have this feline quality to it that makes her look very beautiful in an asian way. Her Q&A was eloquent and witty. Alot of the other contestants didn't even answer the question.
However, to be absolutely fair, some of the questions asked were not exactly easy to answer. If put in the same situation, I'd probably do worse so I think the girls really have nothing to be ashamed of. Our local media just happens to like heaping trash on them. Poor girls.
Jade Seah in the Queen of Queens Pageant:

So why did Jade (There it is again, it's like we're friends!) lose then? Well here is the answer, did you
see the two missile silos Carol Cheong was packing with her??! It is in my expert opinion that it is most likely 34DD (That's double-D by the way, and yes such a cup size exist) and you can quote me on this. Unfortunately it would seem that Singapore wanted to send forth a bigger pair into the international arena this year and decided to pass on the better choice. I mean, Jade is obviously a better speaker, much more sharp of mind and possess a more beautiful face, to me at least. God forbid that she is
merely proportionate. We have to send top heavy, over spilling contestants overseas in order to stand a chance. Hopefully come July, the judges will not be able to bring their eyes above Carol's chest for only in that will Singapore stand a chance. I truly feel that Jade would have been a much better ambassador of Singapore than many of the current and past winners of MSU.
So what's next? 4 months of summer break. I wonder what I'm going to do. I have lots of things that I'm planning to do like clean up my room, practice drawing again, reading books, taking a shower and maybe try and pick up tennis. Wee has already promised to teach me. We'll practice abit of tennis then pop over to the pool for a swim. After which we'll go to katong for a candlelight western dinner. Finally we'll stroll to East Coast Park and just spend time there talking. I'll sing "How Deep is you Love" to him and we'll lay in each other's arms as the Sun finally rises over the horizon. May i''ll try to play around with photoshop more. Check out what I did. It supposed to be ironic by the way. Photoshop is just amazing by the way.

Oh well, 1 year down. 3 more years to go. Uni's looks like its going to be quite fun and I'm going to enjoy meeting more people. And by people I mean girls. And by girls I'm hoping it's Jade Seah. I predict she's going to be on Magazine covers really soon by the way.
Things on my mind:
Jade Seah
Carol Cheong
Carol Cheong's two friends
Sprouting Nonsense Since 1984 {9:36 pm}
SMU Lib...
Friday, April 07, 2006
It's been awhile since I last camped out in the Library and today I did it for 15hrs straight. Hardcore baby. Shit, Managerial Accounting is a deadly subject. I think that managerial accounting is the single more demoralizing subject in the world.
Quotes from some students:
Unknown Hot Girl near my vicinity: *Groan. I feel so stupid. I got everything wrong. I feel so stupid."
Joseph: "Wuarh, demoralizing."
Myself: "I'm so fucked."
Been studying in school alot recently during the reading week. I think the problem is not that I'm studying so hard, which I might add, are actions that do not reconcile with the Vincent I once was; I think the true problem lies in that I don't mind. In fact, today I feel quite happy. more than 160MCQ question attempts later, I think I'm starting to understand MA. After getting 100 of them wrong. And there were so many people studying MA in the library today and it was obvious that so many of them were in trouble. I'm wondering how much I have to bid for MA next sem.
On to more interesting stuff though, I think the best part about studying in school, is the chicks! Woot! It just brightens up my extremely dull day when I see an eye candy. Actually there's one in specific, my BGS TA Lynnette. Gosh~ She's so Kawaii~~~ Tanned, charismatic, hawt bod and most importantly a mega-watt smile with dimples that make her so irresistably cute!! Plus she's intelligent I think, 3.9GPA out of a maximum of 4.0? Deadly.... I wish she could tutor me MA. Lolx.
Oh, I must describe the scene this morning when I was going into the Lib. You see the 5th floor study rooms are first come first serve. So I reached school a little early today to make sure I could "choop" one for my study group. Reached at 745am and to my great amusement, the security guards actually have roll call and stuff. They were all fallen in in front of the HQ and then when the head Guard arrived, the right marker shouted: " Announcing arrival Head... Security!" Then they all stood at attention then there was a trumpet fanfare. Wuarh, bullshit max. Oh and I was ultra amused when I saw the security guard I hated being outcasted by all the security guards. WAHAHAHAHA Ultra AMUSED. It was like, "Dude, we're the cool guards. You're too much of a loser to hang with us. Beat it Mofo!" He was too much of a loser to hang out with overweight middle aged Indian women and aging chinese men. How sad it that? Speaking of which! My camp RP (the dudes in the guardrooms) actually ORD-ed to become a security guard in my school. Woah~ Talk about finding your calling in life in the army.
Anyway, back to the Library, when I was there at 745, (Lib opens at 8) there were already people there waiting for the doors to open: like Hello Kitty (yr 2000). Guess I wasn't the only one. There we were waiting. I was jogging on the spot, stretching my muscles and loosening myself up. I had to be ready! The competition was tough, there were 3 other Singaporean nationals and one China Ah Tiong. Then the clock hit 8! The sliding doors unlocked and we surged forward! The Ah Tiong the lead! I was the slowest! I had to take back lead. Into the lift we went and I tapped the "5" button with unparallled speed and precision. Even the opposition was impressed with my splendid form. My finger hit the contours of the button at a perfect tangent to ensure 100% of the pressure that I exerted with transferred to the sensors. I would like to think the lift went a little faster that morning. When the door opened I saw the Ah Tiong run past! OMFG~ She took the stairs! How scheming! Was that a legal move? The judges say yes. I'd already lost precious time. The guy pushed the open button and pretended let the other people out first. But I knew from the start that he was in league with the girl. When he told me to go out first I was distracted, and in that moment the girl shot out of the lift and towards the study rooms! Curses! I could hear the man's sniggering as I ran after the girl but she'd already taken the room. ARGH! I couldn't believe it. The Dog Man Woman! They cheated me. I had gone to school early for nothing.
Actually bullshit la, there were 7 rooms and there were only 3 groups of us. So I got one room anyway. But hey, my version of the story was much more exciting. Makes life abit more interesting by being imaginative as well as spontaneous. Anyway the Library was like a social gathering. There were so many people that I knew that 1/3 of the 5th level were my friends. Whenever I got bored with studying, I'd go out and mingle with the crowd. Moving from one group to another and making a few jokes here and there. A hearty laugh, a shy giggle with a suggestive touch on my well-defined and toned arm; all the while with a martini on the rocks, shaken not stirred, in my hand.
Ahhh the library, the place of intrigue, excitement, adventure, hot babes and villianeous subjects to be defeated! School is so much fun.
Sprouting Nonsense Since 1984 {11:43 pm}