Family Inheritance
Sunday, February 26, 2006
I just found out that my father is currently suffering from heart problems. Problems with bypass something like that. My father, the guy who runs a lot, participates in marathons and shit is suffering from heart problems. Apparently a valve is being clogged up so he's on medication to thin his blood right now. The man is 43 this year. Not that old, you get what I'm saying? He's not old, nor fat, nor does he slack off in the exercise department. Hereditary it would seem.
Here's what's interesting, when I heard the news, I felt nothing. I couldn't care less. Alright I lied. Actually I wondered if he might reach his end soon. Then I stopped myself from doing that because his kids don't deserve that. Their only fault is that they were conceived by the wrong couple. Dumb fuck bastard and cheap ass slut.
Then it struck me. Damn, that's exactly how I'm going to die. I'm going to die of a heart attack. Look, my grannie and my father have high blood pressure and heart problems. Its hereditary. I have high blood pressure and it looks like heart problems is going to be next. For those of you who don't know it, I was screened with HBP in Sec 4 at 170/90. Beat that. My old man is a runner for God's sakes. What chance do I have, the only exercise I do is to walk up to the seats in the back row of the class. Health problems, that's going to be pretty much the sum total of all that my father has bequeathed to me.
Thing is I always thought that I'd probably die of a car accident. Not car crash but like a hit by a speeding vehicle type accident. Why do I think like that? I have no idea. In light of compelling new evidence, I might like to rethink the way I think I might die to --- Deathnote style action. Roar...
Truth be told though, I'm a bit worried for myself. I'm not the healthiest guy around and heart problems are usually a good friend of people like me. That plus the hereditary thing, I sound pretty fucked. The odds are not in my favour. Problem is I love food too much. I should try to eat healthier and may be do some cardio though. I still want to spend more time with my Gerger. Maybe I'll live long enough to be hit by a car.
Thing on my mind:
Dumb arsed Indians who give me cut and paste reports
What's for lunch tomorrow
Sprouting Nonsense Since 1984 {11:40 pm}
Burn you judgmental pricks
Saturday, February 25, 2006
This post has a bit of explicit stuff so you might want to give it a skip if you’re bothered.
By now I’m sure most of you have heard of the **P sex scandal involving *abby, in fact I’m one of the slower people to have heard of it. According to Thomthom, “Have you been living in a cave?” Now note the *’s. It is just a preventive measure I took (whether rightfully so or not, it doesn’t matter) to ensure that my blog doesn’t pop up on Google when people do a search on these two words. I do not want traffic on this site to increase as a result, and I do not want retards to post comments on my tag board regarding the issue that I want to talk about. Plus, I don’t want to be one of those people who intentionally talk about hot issues in order to bump up their blog’s profile.
Now before you go on and say that I’m a hypocrite, here’s what I have to say. I’m not here to tell you not to look at the video and I would be outright lying if I said I wasn’t interested in it. I, unfortunately, do NOT possess a moral standard that high that I would tell you not to watch the video and to respect the poor girl; that you can help her fight by not supporting the spread of the video. I too want to watch it. “Even though I have been unable to acquire the video and have not had the chance to watch it several times.” Hmm… I wonder where those “”’s came out from.
What bothers me is not that people want to watch the video. It’s human nature. What bothers me, nay, disturbs me is the volume of judgmental people there are in this world. More than a handful of people are calling the poor girl a slut and that she deserves everything that is coming to her. That my friends, is absolutely uncalled for. Who are you to say that she’s a slut? By virtue of the video that you downloaded to jack off to? You horny little prick. People have all these heated discussions as to why she is a slut. Stuff like: “Well she’s only 17 and if she’s already so experienced. Well then…”; “Only sluts take videos on themselves having sex…” and the like.
Here’s what I think, so what if she’s only 17? It’s a different time now, what are you living in? 1930? You have your own moral values and she has hers, just because you think that what she is doing is wrong, does that make it wrong? No. Do not assume to impose your moral values on other people. The only people that seek impose their values on other people, are narrow-minded people; them and parents too but with the latter I think it’s permissible to a small extent. Other stuff like “only sluts take videos of themselves in the act” and a whole slew of other comments on the internet, and all I can say is this, Burn you judgmental pricks.
She supposedly also had anal sex as well with her boyfriend and there seems to be quite a few people who are in glee at the prospect of giving these two victims a jail term (Anal sex is illegal in Singapore.) While “I have not seen the video myself,” from what I understand, dicks don’t slide out of a pussy and into an asshole, just like that. If it could, that would suggest that she has a mighty huge and loose asshole which then I think she’d be less worried about the whole scandal and much more worried about her excrement just leaking out of her ass all the time.
All in all, I’m not asking you to stop watching it. By all means go ahead. But please do not judge the poor girl. I happen to think that she is a victim in all this. Hell yea, she’s really really stupid to have left the video in her phone, but being stupid does not equate to being a slut. Leave the girl alone and watch your porn alone in your room, she has enough to deal with already. To the poor girl, just be strong and don’t worry too much, people eventually forget. Just lay low and maybe complete your studies overseas.
I don’t know why I made this post, I just did.
Sprouting Nonsense Since 1984 {11:12 am}
Burn Bitch! Amaze is this phone it is. Surely you will like it a plenty!
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
I finally got the phone I was aiming for! The Nokia 7370! *giggles* I was thinking about it for awhile now, but why now? A few reason, Angpao money partially. Mainly, I just lost my entire phonebook and lost all my contacts. This was the last straw, I am no longer going to entertain this phone.
How did I lose all my contacts? Well, in short, it's the damn Indian's fault. Most of you would have heard about what happened last sem with my FA Indian group mate. Basically she did NOTHING. Hope she failed. Vindictive? Yes that I am. Anyway I was bored and running though the numbers in my phone and I noticed her number still inside and I was like, "Ewww.. D****, I don't want her number here. *Delete* OMG, I accidentally deleted ALL my numbers!"
So at this point I am contactless, I can probably get MOST of the numbers back from Jiazi but I've permanantly lost quite abit of other contacts. You know what I mean. At this point, you'd probably think, "How the hell was it the Indian's Fault?!??!" Well, if she wasn't such a TOTAL moron, I wouldn't have had to delete her dumb number. See? Stupid bitch. Even after the sem ends she still comes back to haunt me. Hope she burns.
Anyways, I decided to get my phone at long last and now here are some PICTURES!


These pictures are taken with my handphone. Quite amazing right? Yup! This phone comes with a detachable camera! I removed it to take pictures of my phone! Yea right. Truth is I still have my old phone. They wouldn't accept it as a trade it. Apparently Mitsubishi phones have a very low resale/trade-in value. I can't wait for the first 10hr charge to be over. I'm like a little boy!
Anyway, at long last the holidays are here. A short one but do try to rest yourself and not just do work alright people? I have so many backlogged posts so expect quite a few more incoming in the next few days.
Things on my mind: Deathnote
Sprouting Nonsense Since 1984 {1:35 am}
Patch Notes
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Happy Birthday to YOU post has been updated to display images properly. Readers should now be able to view several Blog Approval Rating changing pictures that ought to enhance viewership enjoyment.
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Thank you for reading Comspermification!
Sprouting Nonsense Since 1984 {1:14 am}
Happy Birthday to YOU
Saturday, February 18, 2006
My girlfriend has officially turned OLD. She's 22 now and as a direct result of that, she's no longer my girlfriend. Hold your horses now, I didn't break up with her for a younger girl. Its more of the fact that she isn't so much of a girl anymore, than she is a woman or lady. So technically speaking, she's my lady friend now. Which in all honesty, sounds down right retarded.
[Girl Then] 
[Woman Now]

Here is a dictionary definition of the word girl:
n 1: a young woman; "a young lady of 18" 2: a youthful female person; "the baby was a girl"; "the girls were just learning to ride a tricycle" 3: a female human offspring; "her daughter cared for her in her old age"
Of which NONE of the above remotely comes close to a description of what she is rite now. Instead let's take a look at the definition of a woman and we'll likely see something that is a more accurate depiction of her:
n 1: an adult female person (as opposed to a man); "the woman kept house while the man hunted" 2: women as a class; "it's an insult to American womanhood"; "woman is the glory of creation" 3: a human female who does housework; "the char will clean the carpet" 4: a female person who plays a significant role (wife or mistress or girlfriend) in the life of a particular man; "he was faithful to his woman"
You'll probably agree with me that 1 and 4 are definitions of woman that is more likely suitable to Zi right now being that is a female person and that she plays a significant role in my life. So I should start calling her my woman from now on instead of disrespecting her by calling her my Girlfriend. Definition 3 also fits her well. Wahahahhahahahahhhhaaaaha.... *Tears of laughter roll down my cheeks* Okay enough of jokes.
In case someone chooses to counter my argument by highlighting that 4 also covers "Wife or Mistress or Girlfriend," and so I can reasonably still call Zi my girlfriend.
A:Girls (Ages 18 and below); B:Female Persons; C:Females with significant roles; G:Girlfriends
All A are B
All G are A and B and C
Some B and C are not A
>Some B and C are not G
Geddit? Actually I talking cock. Truth is there are missing definitions to the definition of a girl that I have purposely left out so I can be lame. Here it is:
4: a girl or young woman with whom a man is romantically involved; "his girlfriend kicked him out"
Zi is still a young woman so she can still qualify to be my girlfriend. Bottomline is, turning 22 isn't that big a deal. Okay so maybe you aren't getting any younger, definitely no longer on the grey line between Teen and Adult when you were 21 but at the end of the day you're still my Ger. No matter what the dictionary or society says.
Happy Birthday to my Girl! Zi~~

Things on my mind:
Baked Cakes
Start of Holidays
Sprouting Nonsense Since 1984 {1:19 am}
Audience Adaptation
Monday, February 13, 2006
Alright, I admit it. I sometimes talk with an accent, a slang. And other times I do not. Sometimes I speak in Singlish, and Chinese too. Once in a while with an Indian accent but that's really just for fun. And sometimes I speak English just as an ordinary Singaporean does, grammatically correct, without a slang. Here's what irritates me: It freaking PISSES me off when people judge me because I speak with a slang. They find it offensive. It seems like the rational is that since he normally talks without a slang, then he suddenly talks with a slang, it stands that he chooses to talk with a slang. If he chooses to talk with a slang, then he chooses to do so because he wants to sound "sophisticated" or that he idolizes Western Culture so much he wants to imitate them. All this and a whole other slew of reasons. While I don't feel a need to justify it, I'll do it anyway because it'll make the post longer.
Justification: I DO NOT CHOOSE to speak with a slang. It just comes out. Where did I get it from? My childhood best friend was an American: Robert Devon O'Connell Fury. We spent so much time together I inadvertently picked up the accent. But that doesn't matter to you does it you biased prick? A slang doesn't mean I'm a poser you moron.
But truth be told, I don't know why I slang. It really just surfaces from inside of me. Maybe its audience adaptation. I do find that I radically change the way I speak when speaking to different people. Chinese with people who speak predominately chinese. (Duh) But even when I speak with the China man in my guild, the intonation of my chinese takes on a slightly different form. The way I speak English with different individuals vary a great deal as well. At the end of the day, I think its just a subconscious way for me to break down communication barriers with the people I am conversing with. I would say that it is generally much easier to talk to someone when you speak their language, no? When does the slang appear? Usually when I get really serious and want to articulate my point clearly and no I don't choose to do it and so for the love of God, just shut your face and don't tell me to stop doing it.
This is just a whine post. Sorry if I hurt your eyes.
Things on my mind:
5 years
Financial Problems
Boobs that squirt cash
Sprouting Nonsense Since 1984 {11:53 pm}
Curry Favor
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
The sexy Trio LayZeeVin went out for dinner today and away to Curry Favor we went! I still remember passing by this restaurant when my LTB group mates and I went to Sakura for lunch and when I saw this place, I was so excited. Why? Because it's a Japanese Curry Restaurant! OMGWTFBBQSAUCEPWNEDKKTHXBYE!! (You don't have to know what that means) Now I LOVE Japanese Curry, or anything that tastes like it. When I was HongKong, all I ordered from their Tea Cafe's were Chicken Curry Katsu Don! Yummy yum yum! I mean it's so freaking good! So anyway, I immediately took interest in this place and I went home and looked up reviews for this place and I have to say, the reviews were good. Hospitable Staff (More on that later) and good food. But time went past, and I never visited the place. I talked about it with Zi.. but it kept being put off. And as the years went by, he fell into despair, for what woman could ever learn to love.. A Beast. Stunner there. Anyway more than 1 sem later....
.... I suddenly remembered about this egg-liciously-citing restaurant. Why? Nara's Blog (See Blog Links) had a post about some dinner thing she had and, *GASP* she posted a picture of a CHICKEN CURRY KATSUDON! Argh! The terrible agony! I have begun to see what is Nara's purpose in life. To flaunt and to taunt me with all this divinely delectable food that I must have but will not get! Remember the Heavenly Drops of MAPLE COOKIES? First that, and now she flaunts pictures of CCKD on her blog to show me that which I cannot have. Fiendish Witch! But alas, the powers of good triumph over EVIL and I have successfully gathered a team of HEROES to tackle this daunting task of walking me through this ardous journey that is my eventual consumption of the mythical Chicken Curry Katsu Don. Once again, the Nara's evil schemes have been thwarted by our budding heroes and she has no choice but to escape to her secret lair where she serves Lord Voldemort badly cooked porridge.
Anyway, Curry Favor has this hot waitress and hence, Curry Favor has hospitable staff. I'm so shallow. Seriously though, in addition to being SuperKawaii she was very nice and friendly. Service with a smile and gave us very honest recommendations on what was good and what wasn't. And now the food..
[Here is where, in normal circumstances, pictures of the food would be displayed. However it was so friggin` good that I finished up my meal even before the image could be captured by digital cameras of today's technology. Actually, we just didn't bring a camera.]
I ordered the Stew Beef Curry, Zi the Cheese Pork Cutlet Curry and Lay the Pork Cutlet Curry. It was all excellent! I'm no gourmet but trust me when I say that the food rocked. Quite affordable too, it cost the 3 of us about 60 bucks total. The best thing is, they do bento! I can forsee myself occasionally buying CCKD bento to school. Heehee... I'm filled with glee. Student's price for lunch too!
[Fun fact: Young bulls are called bucks. In the pass the price of 1 buck was exactly 1 dollar. Hence the practice of calling dollars by the name: Buck]
Anyways, for anyone who is interested, Curry Favor is located at the Stamford House. It's just in between City Hall MRT and SMU Biz Block.
Things on my mind:
Chicken Curry Katsu Don
Boobs covered with Japanese Curry
Sprouting Nonsense Since 1984 {11:45 pm}
I Not Stupid. Whateva Mon~
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Today was a tiring day. Supper and talk cock with friends until 7am in the morning. Should stop doing that too often though, it throws my body clock out of whack; especially since I can't sleep past 12noon.
Just watched "I not stupid 2." It's not very good though. It succeeds in being cheesy, touching, funny and lame all at the exact same time so at the end of the day, one really doesn't know whether to like or dislike the show. If I were to give you a piece of advice though, I'd probably encourage you to give it a miss.
What was funny about the show was that 3 people fell over at the exact same spot in the cinema at 3 separate times during the duration of the show. This means 3 falls with one victim each. It would be bloody fantastic if they all fell over at the exact same spot, at the exact same time though. So anyway, it was the cinema at Marina South and the layout of the cinema is such that it's a slope upward followed by 4-5 steps instead of all steps or one long slope. So what happens is these people, these silly little people, they realise its a slope and they start running up it. And they ALL trip and fall at the first step. God it was so hilarious.
Watching Grey's Anatomy right now. Some surgeon drama. It's pretty good, you might want to take a look at it. Anyways, here is a question that was posed to a patient in the show. You've got a tumour and it's like fused into the part of your brain that retains your memories and your personality. If you do not remove the tumour, you'll die. If you go for surgery, you'll likely lose all your memories as well as have your personality altered but, you'll live another 5-10 years. If you go for Chemo-Therapy, then you'll still have your memories and everything but, you'll live at most 3-5 years more. What would you choose?
I guess, I'll choose to live 3-5 years more because frankly, after losing my memories, isn't that as good as dying in a way? I mean, myself as I know myself to be, will have ended! My memories gone. My personality changed. It's almost like I was another person. Imagine what it would be like, for the person who you love, to just suddenly forget who you are.
On a lighter note, KTV-ed with Nara for the very first time and I must say she sings very well! But she's still the evil witch who didn't give me any of those Heavenly Maple Cookies and for that I will NEVER forgive her. NEVER!!!
Sprouting Nonsense Since 1984 {2:50 am}